Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chosen this Year

We opened the year with our first meeting on 16th January where we sat and made plans for the year ahead. A group of people were chosen as leaders in order to help in facilitating the activities of the group. On the 22nd to 23rd January, a youth group from a German church sponsored a trip to Magadi which was an experience to remember. We had paused our regular study at Romans 7 and we continued where we left off once our normal bible study meetings resumed.

We continued without much event through February and into March with our bible study meetings. March was highlighted by a sleepover in which we watched a preaching on sexual purity titled ‘Keep Your Underwear On’. We also watched a preaching on the Prodigal God by Tim Keller. April continued in the same vein as February without anything out of the normal bible study meetings save for the sleepover which wasn’t so well attended as some of the group were away in Tinderet for the the Diguna games.

May was a breakthrough month as some of the members achieved some of their goals and dreams. We were also able to finish the study of the book of Romans. The next two Saturdays after the book’s conclusion were used to recap and reflect on lessons learnt through the study.

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