Thursday, July 15, 2010

July is here, already!

We have already begun the 7 Stages of Spiritual Growth. We went through the two parts of the Overview and the first part of Conversion. This Saturday ushers in the second part of Conversion. This Saturday 17th July also has Rama's visiting day at school and some of us intend to go and see him. Sunday 18th July has Kevin's visiting day at school as well as his birthday and we are definitely going to see him for this double celebration.

At the end of the month, we have our monthly sleepover (30th July) followed by the Walk Thru the New Testament with Morris Opati on the 31st July. This should be an interesting end to the month.

The mission to Oyugis in December is still very much on and plans are in high gear to see who will go and how to facilitate travel, food and accommodation.

That's July in a nutshell.

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